Online incivility, cyberbalkanization, and the dynamics of opinion polarization during and after a mass protest event.

Lee, F. L., Liang, H., & Tang, G. K. (2019). Online incivility, cyberbalkanization, and the dynamics of opinion polarization during and after a mass protest event. International Journal of Communication,…

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Selective exposure to public service news over thirty years: The role of ideological leaning, party support, and political interest.

Dahlgren, P. M. (2019). Selective exposure to public service news over thirty years: The role of ideological leaning, party support, and political interest. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 24(3), 293-314.

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‘Don’t talk to me’: Effects of ideologically homogeneous online groups and politically dissimilar offline ties on extremism.

Wojcieszak, M. (2010). ‘Don’t talk to me’: Effects of ideologically homogeneous online groups and politically dissimilar offline ties on extremism. New Media & Society, 12(4), 637-655.

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Of echo chambers and contrarian clubs: Exposure to political disagreement among German and Italian users of Twitter.

Vaccari, C., Valeriani, A., Barberá, P., Jost, J. T., Nagler, J., & Tucker, J. A. (2016). Of echo chambers and contrarian clubs: Exposure to political disagreement among German and Italian…

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