The Covid pandemic enters the ballot box. The impact of the global health crisis on the Italians’ voting behavior

SISP Conference 2021 (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) 09-11/09/2021 Online Conference Section 9 - Elections and voting behaviour (Panel 9.4 - Voters and parties during the Covid crisis) Titolo del…

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If you are home alone, trust the right folks! The effects of exposure to news, engagement in discussion, and trust on the knowledge about the Covid-19 among locked-down Italians.

ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest 26 - 27/03 2021 Sezione: Communicating crisis - Political communication in the age of uncertainty…

Continue ReadingIf you are home alone, trust the right folks! The effects of exposure to news, engagement in discussion, and trust on the knowledge about the Covid-19 among locked-down Italians.

From #iorestoacasa to restart: Italian internet users and information in the two phases of the emergency. The longitudinal data of the I-POLHYS project

The two-month lockdown established in March 2020 by the Italian government following the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has represented a moment of stress for citizens but also for the…

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Media fragmentation and mass polarization in the hybrid media system at the time of Covid-19

Democracias frágiles: polarización, populismo y desinformación en un contexto mediático híbrido 11-13/11/2020 Menéndez Pelayo International University - Valencia Presentation: Media fragmentation and mass polarization in the hybrid media system at…

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“We are a happy family”. Social media images and movement-countermovement dynamics during the 2019 World Congress of Families

European Consortium for Political Research (EPCR) Virtual General Conference Virtual event 24-28/08/2020 Panel: Political Mobilization in Times of Growing Polarization. Presentation: “We are a Happy Family”. Social Media Images and…

Continue Reading“We are a happy family”. Social media images and movement-countermovement dynamics during the 2019 World Congress of Families