Public opinion polarization on immigration in Italy: the role of traditional and digital news media practices

Public opinion polarization on immigration can hinder social cohesion, integration policies and economic growth. Political campaigns and partisan news media systems have long been investigated in terms of potential drivers…

Continua a leggerePublic opinion polarization on immigration in Italy: the role of traditional and digital news media practices

Chi ha paura del vaccino anti-COVID? Fake news, information overload sui social media e polarizzazione ideologica

SISP Conference 2021 (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) 09-11/09/2021 Online Conference Section 5 - Political Communication (Panel 5.10 Covid-19. La comunicazione di una pandemia) Titolo del paper presentato: Chi ha…

Continua a leggereChi ha paura del vaccino anti-COVID? Fake news, information overload sui social media e polarizzazione ideologica

The Covid pandemic enters the ballot box. The impact of the global health crisis on the Italians’ voting behavior

SISP Conference 2021 (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) 09-11/09/2021 Online Conference Section 9 - Elections and voting behaviour (Panel 9.4 - Voters and parties during the Covid crisis) Titolo del…

Continua a leggereThe Covid pandemic enters the ballot box. The impact of the global health crisis on the Italians’ voting behavior