If you are home alone, trust the right folks! The effects of exposure to news, engagement in discussion, and trust on the knowledge about the Covid-19 among locked-down Italians.

ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest 26 - 27/03 2021 Sezione: Communicating crisis - Political communication in the age of uncertainty…

Continua a leggereIf you are home alone, trust the right folks! The effects of exposure to news, engagement in discussion, and trust on the knowledge about the Covid-19 among locked-down Italians.

Dal #iorestoacasa alla ripartenza: gli utenti italiani di internet e l’informazione nelle due fasi dell’emergenza. I dati longitudinali del progetto I-POLHYS

Il lockdown totale di due mesi istituito a marzo 2020 dal Governo italiano in seguito alla diffusione della pandemia Covid-19 ha certamente rappresentato un momento di forte tensione per i…

Continua a leggereDal #iorestoacasa alla ripartenza: gli utenti italiani di internet e l’informazione nelle due fasi dell’emergenza. I dati longitudinali del progetto I-POLHYS

Media fragmentation and mass polarization in the hybrid media system at the time of Covid-19

Democracias frágiles: polarización, populismo y desinformación en un contexto mediático híbrido 11-13/11/2020 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo - Valencia Intervento: Media fragmentation and mass polarization in the hybrid media system at…

Continua a leggereMedia fragmentation and mass polarization in the hybrid media system at the time of Covid-19

“We are a happy family”. Social media images and movement-countermovement dynamics during the 2019 World Congress of Families

European Consortium for Political Research (EPCR) Virtual General Conference Evento virtuale 24-28/08/2020 Panel: Political Mobilization in Times of Growing Polarization. Intervento: “We are a Happy Family”. Social Media Images and…

Continua a leggere“We are a happy family”. Social media images and movement-countermovement dynamics during the 2019 World Congress of Families